Friday, February 7, 2014

It's About Time!

Many of my friends, clients and designers would say, "it's about time" I got around to starting this blog. I've been going to do it for years, but somehow I am always working on another project...which it a good thing in my business! We are snowed in here in Portland so now is the perfect time!

 My hope for this blog is to keep it simple, post mostly photos that clients and potential clients can use to preview my work, and be a resource for wedding world at large. I'm a bit rusty remembering how blogger works so hang on while I re-learn the form and functions again. I hope we both enjoy the journey!
Have a beautiful day!


  1. Very beautiful. Thanks for the great work you did for your daughter's wedding. Really outstanding!

  2. Are ya gonna do "Throwback Thursdays" and share weddings you have done thru the years? Some gorgeous stuff!

  3. Love it! Gotta say my wedding was my favorite one you've done. :)
